Wednesday 15 January 2020

Avast me trusty Black Bearded Followers! Today we once again have a new interesting topic to discuss here at this fowl pirate abode! For today we will be looking at some of the most interesting myths found about pirates in today's society and be making an effort to reveal them to the public eye.

For the most part, a lot of these make a lot of sense to be honest with you, however, a lot of them actually came as a pretty big surprise to me as well! For me the three I was most surprised with would have to be how pirates talked to one another, how pirates dealt with their own treasures and loot, and finally, how they dealt with and punished their prisoners.

Image result for pirate arr"As for my most surprising find, I was incredibly shocked to find that pirates didn't actually have their own lingo and slang to talk to one another with! From the first day all the way up until now it had always been ingrained in my mind and a simple truth for me that pirates HAD to have their own slang. Things like "Avast me mateys," and "Arrgghh," were the first things that ever popped up into my mind when I thought about them, much like how most people thought of them as well. However, apparently pirates didn't actually speak like that at all! Apparently, your average, everyday pirate would speak just like a proper native citizen and even spoke properly in some if not most cases. This was such a shock to me, and to be honest, kind of disappointing as well because I was rather fond of my weird and crazy pirate lingo and language.

Image result for pirate walking the plank"As for the second most surprising though, it's actually kind of sad to be honest. Unfortunately, (At least in my mind,) pirates didn't actually make their prisoners walk the plank. In fact, when a prisoner or someone else on board was to be punished it was dealt with immediately in a normally gruesome, efficient, and immediate way. They never made a huge show out of the punishment and never made a normal tradition of doing things that were similar to it either. Although this might in some ways be good for the prisoner since it would lessen their suffering in ways, it's kind of sad to know that such a big tradition was essentially just plain made up for the television and movies to make a bigger profit from.

Though those two were definitely the most surprising and upsetting lies and myths I found out about, the rest of them simply made more sense when you thought about them for a little while longer rather than just immediately accepting them. The best and most common example I could give you for these types of myths would be what the pirates actually did with the treasure they found. Just take a moment to think about it really. No pirate would REALISTICALLY get RID of their fortune. In reality they would simply sell it off and benefit from it. They wouldn't do something as dumb as deciding to leave it somewhere for it to be stolen, and that's all you really have to do for the majority of the other myths that were made up as well. Simply take your time and think logically about them. Does this idea really make sense? Or is this something that's just made up? Nine out of ten times, if you're questioning if it really made sense, then it probably didn't actually happen in real life.
Image result for pirate treasure"

That's all that I have to leave you with for today, but you can bet your butt that I'll be back here next week with some more of that good black-bearded information for you followers to hear. See you then!

- Gremory

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Ahoy me hearties! Welcome back to the Blackbeared Cove! For today I'm excited to announce that we'll be touching back up on the pre...